Terms of Use



In these general terms of use (“Term of Use”), the following terms have the following meanings:

  • 4U Student Housing: 4U Student Housing B.V., registered with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce under number 34242388. 4U Student Housing exploits an online platform through its Website on which Real Property can be offered. 4U Student Housing intends to make the rental property market transparent and to facilitate that parties offering Real Properties can come into contact with potential renters and vice versa;
  • Website: the 4U Student Housing website available under (in any case) the domain names www.4U Student Housing.nlwww.4U Student Housing.com and in the 4U Student Housing app(s). On the Website, information is shown about available Real Properties, as well as general information about living, living environments, financial services, moving etc.;
  • User: the natural person or legal entity that uses the Website, an Account and/or one of the services offered by 4U Student Housing through its Website;
  • Real Property: real estate property which, pursuant to applicable laws and regulations, is (amongst others) suitable for use as housing;
  • Landlord/Seller: the natural person or legal entity authorized to sell and/or rent the Real Property;
  • Advertisement: an offer on the Website showing: a) the availability of Real Property; b) a product or service offered in relation to Real Property; c) a trademark, product or trade name of the Advertiser;
  • Advertiser: the User offering Real Property on the Website and who is authorized by the relevant Landlord/Seller to advertise the Real Property on the Website;
  • Candidate: the User, natural person, who has come into contact with an Advertiser through the Website and is interested in concluding an agreement with this Advertiser;
  • Real Property Offering: the systematically searchable data base of Real Property on the Website;
  • Account: the User’s account on the Website;
  • Log in details: the log in detail that give access to the Account;
  • Content: the information, images, such as pictures, lay outs, graphic design etc. and other types of content, including without limitation the information, images and other content in an Advertisement, that is made available by a User through the Website.



These Terms of Use apply to all use of the Website (whether through a computer or a mobile device or any other software application such as the 4U Student Housing app(s)), the use of the Account, to all services offered by 4U Student Housing and to all agreements concluded by 4U Student Housing for the use of the Website, an Account and/or the provision of the 4U Student Housing services, including without limitation separate agreements with Advertisers.


By visiting, viewing and using our Website and/or registering an Account on our Website you agree with these Terms of Use.


Should you not agree with any of the provisions of these Terms of Use, you should not make use of the Website (this includes not registering an Account).



By making an Account, the User warrants to be authorized to act on behalf of itself and to conclude a binding agreement. If the User registers an Account on behalf of an organization, the User warrants the foregoing on behalf of that organization.


A Candidate and Advertiser can come into contact with each other through the Website, however, no agreement, whether a rental agreement, purchase agreement or otherwise, is concluded between an Advertiser and a Candidate, nor between a Candidate and a Landlord/Seller, through the Website. 4U Student Housing is only an ‘electronic bulletin board’ and has no interest or involvement in the conclusion of such agreements and it not a party thereto. 4U Student Housing does not intermediate between Advertisers and Candidates, nor between Landlords/Sellers and Candidates.


The User can terminate the Account at any time. However, article 10.5 applies to Advertisers who have taken a subscription.


4U Student Housing only offers the Real Property Offering and cannot guarantee a ‘match’ with respect to any Real Property. The User searching Real Property is not entitled to finding suitable Real Property.



In the 4U Student Housing Privacy Policy (www.4U Student Housing.nl/privacy-policy) information is provided on how 4U Student Housing processes personal data of Users and how 4U Student Housing protects their data when the Website is used.



All intellectual property rights related to the Website and the content placed by or on behalf of 4U Student Housing on the Website rest/remain solely with 4U Student Housing and/or its suppliers and/or licensors. 4U Student Housing reserves all rights with regard to the Website and such content.


The concept of intellectual property rights includes all copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade names, database rights (sui generis or otherwise),  (unregistered community) design rights, domain names and other claims in the Netherlands or elsewhere, that are connected to the Website and 4U Student Housing in general, including also knowhow and trade secrets.


The data available through the Website, and more specifically the Real Property Offering, is protected by 4U Student Housing data base rights. This means, amongst others, that no person is entitled to extract or re-utilize a substantial part of the Real Property Offering and/or to extract or re-utilize non-substantial parts of the Real Property Offering repeatedly and systematically as referred to in the Dutch Database Act (Databankenwet), unless the exception for personal use is fulfilled, (which is never the case when the data is commercially extracted and/or re-utilized).


The intellectual property rights on Content rests/remains with the User or the User’s licensors. By placing Content on the Website, the User guarantees that it is authorized to place such Content and in addition, the User gives 4U Student Housing irrevocable consent to use this Content, to copy it and/or exploit it commercially in the broadest sense, whether or not through links with third party sites, without being obliged to pay any compensation for this. 4U Student Housing is also not obliged to keep the Content confidential. More specifically, the Advertiser, by placing an Advertisement on the Website, gives 4U Student Housing irrevocable consent to place this Advertisement on the Website and to use the Advertisement for marketing and advertising purposes, such with the purpose of bringing the Advertisement to the attention of potential candidates.


4U Student Housing and the Advertiser agree that the data that is included in the Content can be (re)used by 4U Student Housing, including for the publication of a ‘rental monitor’ (“huurmonitor”).


The User’s data will be removed from the Account within a reasonable term after the User has terminated the Account, such without however affecting the provision in article 4.5 above. The User can download the data from the Account. If 4U Student Housing blocks and/or terminates an Account on a ground on the side of a User as set out in these Terms of Use (including the Additional Terms), 4U Student Housing reserves the right to only grant access to the data until the User has complied with its obligations and/or the User has ended the situation that gave rise to the blocking or termination of the Account, if such is possible.



Users must at all times behave as may be expected from responsible and considerate internet users. Users must comply with applicable laws and regulations when using the Website, such as the local regulations with regard to intermediary services.


Users may only download one copy of the content made available on the Website for their private, non-commercial use.


Users may place Content on the Website and are solely responsible for the Content being and staying lawful, correct, complete and up-to-date. 


The User is solely responsible for (i) using a strong, unique password for access to the Account, (ii) renewing that password on a regular basis, (iii) keeping confidential the Log in details and (iv) preventing that unauthorized third persons can access the Log in details, this by ensuring that the device on which the User logs in on the Account is properly secured. If the User suspects or knows that the Log in details are known to a third person, the User must amend his or her pass word without undue delay. The User is solely responsible for activities in the Account, also if this is used by an unauthorized person.


The Website may only be used to place Real Property that is suitable for natural persons not acting in a profession or as a business. Therefore, no business related properties can be offered on the Website.



Users are not permitted to misuse the Website. 

Misuse is understood to mean, at least the following:

  1. Use of the Website and/or the Account for acts that are not in compliance with the law, third party rights, public order or morality, such as (a) infringing third party intellectual property or other types of property rights; (b) making misleading or otherwise unlawful statements; (c) distributing illegal material; (d) circumventing or removing security measures on the Website; (e) deceiving other Users; (f) unlawfully obtained User’s data; (g) intently placing incorrect or incomplete Content; (h) harassing Users; (i) coming into contact or trying to come into contact with Candidates for unlawful activities;
  2. Using the Website and/or the Account for sending (mass) unsolicited e-mail or other communication;
  3. Contacting other Users for commercial purposes, of whichever kind (such purposes do not include contacting Candidates who are interested in Real Property offered by an Advertiser upon their request);  
  4. Using software or other means to extract data from the Website for commercial purposes (e.g. screen scraping);
  5. Using software or other means that can limit, hinder or damage the Website and/or the information on the Website;
  6. Causing disruptions or downtime, amongst others through denial-of-service attacks or malicious software, such as viruses, trojan horses or spyware;
  7. copying, amending, distributing, reverse-engineering, decompiling or otherwise exploiting the Website and/or the information on it without 4U Student Housing’ prior written consent, except where this is permitted by applicable law.


The User is not allowed to alter the contents of the Website, other than as described in these Terms of Use.


In case 4U Student Housing finds criminal acts have been committed, 4U Student Housing may report this to the police, in which case 4U Student Housing is entitled to share the name, address, IP-address and other identifying data with the police. Furthermore, 4U Student Housing reserves the right to share these types of data with a third party, if such a person or party claims infringement on its rights or other unlawful acts, and (a) the claim is well-founded and it is apparent that the third party may suffer damage, (b) there is no other manner for the third party to obtain these data and (c) the third party has a well-founded interest in receipt of the data and is legally authorized to receive them.



In case 4U Student Housing receives indications and/or complaints from Users or other persons or parties or otherwise has reason to suspect that a certain User does not comply with the applicable laws, these Terms of Use, including for the avoidance of doubt, the Additional Terms for Advertisers (see article 11) or makes use of the Website, the Account and/or the 4U Student Housing services in an otherwise unreasonable or unlawful manner, 4U Student Housing can take at least the following measures: 

  1. 4U Student Housing can exclude the User from the 4U Student Housing services, block access to the Website and/or the User’s Account temporarily or permanently and/or limit functionality for the User and terminate the agreement with the User without having to repay any amounts paid by the relevant User;
  2. 4U Student Housing can amend and/or remove Advertisements of the User without having to repay any amounts paid by the relevant User;
  3. 4U Student Housing can notify the situation to the competent authorities;
  4. 4U Student Housing can recover from the relevant User all damage suffered as a result of the foregoing.

4U Student Housing is not liable for any damage of Users, whether direct or indirect damage, as a result of the above measures.


4U Student Housing reserves the right to remove the Account and terminate the agreement with the User, in a manner 4U Student Housing sees fit at that time, in case the User: (a) has not timely paid payable amounts; (b) does not comply with its obligations ensuing from the agreement; (c) has requested moratorium of payment or has requested to admittance to the Debt Rescheduling Natural Persons Act (“Wet Schuldsanering Natuurlijke Personen”); (d) its bankruptcy has been requested or it has been declared bankrupt; (f) deceases, or if the User is a legal entity, it ceases to exist; and/or if (g) 4U Student Housing, on the basis of the User’s acts and/or omission, has good grounds to suspect that the User will not be able to comply with its obligations ensuing from the agreement or will damage 4U Student Housing’ reputation.


Before 4U Student Housing takes any measure as indicated in the first section of this article under (a), and this measure concerns a business User, 4U Student Housing will inform the relevant business User on a durable medium (such as email) about this measure, giving an explanation of the reasons of the intended measure and any notification from third parties that have given rise to the measure. In case of complete blockage of the access to the Website, the Account, the services and functionality of the Website, 4U Student Housing will give a 30 days’ prior notification. If the User has sufficiently, and upon request, supported with documentation, evidenced that 4U Student Housing’ intended measure is not justified, 4U Student Housing will not take the measure, respectively 4U Student Housing will deblock the Website, the Account and the services and functionality. 4U Student Housing does not have to give the above prior notification in case (a) it takes the action because it is subject to a legal or regulatory obligation which requires it to terminate the services in a manner which does not allow it to respect that notice period, (b) it exercises a right of termination under an imperative reason pursuant to national law which is in compliance with Union law; (c) it can demonstrate that the business User concerned has repeatedly infringed the Terms of Use. In these cases, 4U Student Housing does not have to give an explanation of the measures taken either. The blockage as set out article 2.8 (c) of the Additional Terms (to prevent damage in case of unauthorized access to the  Account) is an example of an obligation as set out under (a) above.


If 4U Student Housing receives notification that any Content, such as an Advertisement, does not comply with applicable laws and/or regulations, these Terms of Use, third party’s rights or is otherwise unlawful, 4U Student Housing will contact the relevant User as soon as possible to further investigate the situation and to verify whether the Content must be removed. 4U Student Housing is entitled to remove the Content if this is unlawful.


4U Student Housing reserves the right to entirely stop offering the Website and/or its services In that case, all Accounts will be removed.


The provisions in this article do not affect 4U Student Housing’ right to terminate the agreement with the User on statutory grounds.



4U Student Housing is not liable for damage suffered by a User due to:

  1. the use of the 4U Student Housing services;
  2. incorrect information on the Website. All information on the Website is subject to spelling- and typing errors. Users are responsible for the Content they place on the Website, 4U Student Housing does not verify whether this contains any errors. In case of doubt about the correctness of the Content or in case this can be established, the relevant User who placed the Content can be contacted (this is usually an Advertiser);
  3. technical disruptions or other circumstances as a result of which the Website is offline and/or not fully available, whether or not temporarily;
  4. amendment of the 4U Student Housing services and/or of the Website.


4U Student Housing is not involved in any contacts between the Candidates and the Advertisers or the Candidates and Landlords/Sellers, nor with the agreements concluded between them. 4U Student Housing does not have control over the quality, safety or lawfulness or the correctness of any Advertisements, nor over the legal capability or authorization of (a) Advertisers to offer/show Advertisements, (b) Landlords/Sellers to rent or sell Real Property, (c) Candidates to rent or purchase Real Property. 4U Student Housing is not liable in any way in relation to a rental and/or sales agreement being or not being concluded, nor for the performance thereof.


The Website contains references to third party websites, for example hyperlinks and banners. 4U Student Housing does not have any control over the contents of these websites and cannot be held liable for this in any manner. 4U Student Housing is not liable for any third party services or their contents nor for any third party information that is/are offered through the Website in any manner.


If 4U Student Housing can be held liable for whatever reason, its liability is limited to a maximum of (a) the total compensation/fee that a User has paid to 4U Student Housing during the six (6) months prior to the act that has caused the liability, or (b) € 150 (one hundred and fifty euro), whichever is higher.


4U Student Housing is not liable for damage caused by a User to another User, for example because a third person has obtained access to an Account and uses this to deceive or mislead a Candidate.


With regard to Users who are consumers, 4U Student Housing excludes its liability in as far as such exclusion is not deemed unreasonable.


The User indemnifies and holds 4U Student Housing harmless from all costs, fines, settlement amounts and other damages suffered by 4U Student Housing in relation to claims from other Users as well as other third parties, such as supervisory authorities, resulting from any act and/or omission of the User and/or that can otherwise be attributed to the User. Examples of such claims are claims in relation to Content that infringe third party rights, placing Real Property on the Website without being authorized to do so by its Landlord/Seller, fines imposed due to the User not having properly secured the access to the Account or not having (timely) notified unauthorized access and claims from Users due to an Advertiser deceiving or misleading them. If 4U Student Housing receives a third party claim, the indemnifying User will, at 4U Student Housing’ request take over the defense against the claim at its own cost, both in and out of court.



Advertisements can only be placed in the manner as indicated on the Website. Advertisements may not be placed on the Website using an automated system without 4U Student Housing’ prior written consent.


When the Advertiser places an Advertisement, the Advertiser thereby implicitly declares to have the authorization to do so, as well as to have the authorization to place all Content connected to the Advertisement.


When a User responds to an Advertisement, the User implicitly declares to be authorized to do so.



All prices communicated by 4U Student Housing for services to the Users are, unless explicitly indicated otherwise, excluding Value Added Tax (VAT). All amounts are in euros, unless explicitly indicated otherwise.


Advertisers have a payment obligation the moment they place Advertisements. Advertisers with subscriptions enter into payment obligations from the moment the subscription is signed up for. The subscription fees are payable regardless of whether the Advertisers places less Advertisements than is permitted per subscription.


The payment term of all amounts invoiced to Users is 14 days after the invoice date.


If Users do not pay the payable amount within the payment term, 4U Student Housing reserves the right, without further reminder or notification of default being required, to:

  1. increase the amount payable with delay interest equal to the statutory rent at that time, from the moment the payment term has expired; and/or
  2. increase the total amount payable with 15% for the in and out of court costs, from the moment the payment term has expired; and/or 
  3. recover the statutory rent for the in and out of court costs; and/or 
  4. to have the amounts paid by the User first cover payment of the recovery costs, then the payable statutory rent and then the payable amounts; and/or 
  5. to block the User’s access to the Website and the Account in whole or in part and suspend all other services until all amounts are paid, to remove all Content placed by the User on the Website, in which case all correspondence and additional costs 4U Student Housing has to make must be paid by the relevant User, as well as any compensation for the remaining subscription or contractual period that has yet to be invoiced.


Paid subscriptions with Advertisers are concluded for a period of 12 (twelve) months, unless otherwise agreed in the agreement with the Advertiser. If the subscription is not terminated by written notice taking into account a one month term before the subscription period ends, the subscription will automatically and tacitly be renewed each time for another 12 (twelve) month period. Subscriptions cannot be terminated during the subscription period.


4U Student Housing indexes the subscription fees on a yearly basis. An increase as a result of such an indexation, cannot be used by User as a reason to terminate a subscription during the subscription period.



For the services offered to Advertisers, additional terms (“Additional Terms”), including a code of conduct apply. The Additional Terms form an integral part of these Terms of Use. In case a provision in the Additional Terms conflict with a provision in these Terms of Use, the provision in the Additional Terms prevail.



4U Student Housing may amend these Terms of Use in whole or in part. Amendments come into effect after the User uses the Website and/or (online) 4U Student Housing services, whichever moment comes first. In deviation of the foregoing, with regard to business Users with an Account, 4U Student Housing will inform them of the amendments by email, taking into account a 15 (fifteen) days’ notice period. These Users can remove their Account and terminate the agreement before the date on which the amended Terms of Use come into effect. The termination comes into effect within 15 (fifteen) days after 4U Student Housing has received the termination notice. If the User places an Advertisement during the foregoing notice period, this User will be deemed to have waived the notice period. 


If 4U Student Housing does not enforce a provision of these Terms of Use, this cannot be seen as a waiver of the right to enforce such provision at another time and/or towards another User.


Deviations from these Terms of Use are only binding if they are agreed with 4U Student Housing in writing.


If one or more provisions of these Terms of Use are invalid in any way (for example because they are null and void or otherwise invalid) this does not affect the validity of the other provisions of these Terms of Use. 4U Student Housing will replace the invalid provision with a valid provision which is closest to the original provision as possible, as soon as possible.


Solely the laws of the Netherlands apply to the use the Website and/or the Account, these Terms of Use, the Additional Terms and all agreements and legal relations ensuing therefrom. All disputes must in first instance be brought before the court in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. If the User is a consumer (a natural person not acting in a profession or as a business), then this User may bring the dispute before the court that has jurisdiction pursuant to applicable law within one month after 4U Student Housing has invoked the jurisdiction of the Amsterdam court.


This is an English translation of the Dutch 4U Student Housing terms and conditions. In case of conflict between this English translation and the original Dutch version, the original Dutch version prevails.



Questions, comments or complaints about the Website or the other 4U Student Housing services can be submitted using the contact details at the bottom of this document, but preferably by email: info@4U Student Housing.nl. Questions, comments and complaints must be expressed completely and clearly. 4U Student Housing endeavors to respond within seven days after the question, comment or complaint has been submitted.

Additional Terms and Code of Conduct for Advertisers



These additional terms for Advertisers, including code of conduct (“Additional Terms”) form an inseparable part of the Terms of Use that 4U Student Housing uses for all Users of the Website and other services offered by 4U Student Housing. Advertisers are therefore bound both to these Additional Terms and the Terms of Use.


The capitalized terms used in the Additional Terms are either defined in the Terms of Use or defined below.



Advertisers must at all times comply with the code of conduct set out in this article. 


The Advertiser will, when performing its services, use the greatest care and will refrain from activities which may harm the trust in 4U Student Housing. The Advertiser will strictly adhere to applicable disciplinary rules.


4U Student Housing highly values the quality of the Real Property Offering on its Website. To ensure this quality for all stake holders, only one Advertiser may offer Real Property on 4U Student Housing. The Advertiser must obtain the explicit, exclusive authorization from the Landlord/Seller to place the relevant Real Property. This exclusivity solely relates to the placement of the Real Property on the Website (see also article 2.4 (c) below). The Advertiser may use the authorization form offered by 4U Student Housing and have the Landlord/Seller fill this out. The authorization is valid for as long as the Real Property is shown on the Website and has a maximum validity of one year or until the Real Property is taken offline. If the Landlord/Seller gives another Advertiser the authorization to place the same Real Property after 30 days after the form has been signed, the authorization lapses. If the Landlord/Seller gives another Advertiser the authorization to place the same Real Property on the Website within 30 days after the form has been signed, the authorization only lapses if 4U Student Housing has been informed thereof using the contact details included in the form.


Signing Up Real Estate:

  1. The Advertiser can only sign up Real Estate on the 4U Student Housing Website (“Sign Up”) if the relevant Landlord/Seller has given the Advertiser the authorization as set out in article 2.3 above. 
  2. The Advertiser will not Sign Up any Real Property that is not available for rent/sale short term, being maximum three months after the moment of Signing Up, unless it concerns a Real Property that still must, or is still being built.
  3. The Advertiser must inform the relevant Landlord/Seller of the fact that only one Advertiser can Sign Up the same available Real Property at any given time. The Landlord/Seller may however give rental assignments to different intermediaries, whether these are Advertisers or not. However, the authorization for Signing Up a Real Property on the Website can only be given to one Advertiser at a time.
  4. The foregoing includes, amongst others, that the Advertisers may not, by adding a different address or house number to the Advertisement, offer a Real Property in addition to another Advertiser. For completeness’ sake: it is however possible to offer jointly through the Account.
  5. The Advertiser must ensure that all information in the Advertisement is and stays correct, up-to-date and complete.
  6. The Advertiser will, when Signing Up a Real Property on the Website, limit the Advertisement to the Real Property. The Advertiser shall, when adding the text for a Real Property on the Website, not add an URL, e-mail address, telephone number, facsimile number, logo or address of its own office (a short company profile will however be shown next to the Advertisement, which, after it is clicked on, redirects to the company profile, see also below). The Advertiser will, when uploading pictures of the Real Property, not add a logo or other company information in or to the picture. 
  7. The Advertiser is obliged, when the Advertiser has Signed Up one or more Advertisements, to at minimum add company information and a logo to the company profile that Advertisers must create on the Website. In absence of this, 4U Student Housing is entitled to add a logo and company information itself; if necessary, the Advertiser hereby gives 4U Student Housing irrevocable consent to do so.
  8. An Advertisement must always contain at minimum one picture and a Dutch description, otherwise the Real Property cannot be Signed Up. On the non-Dutch section of the Website (4U Student Housing.com) it is advised to include at least one English description. 
  9. Discrimination of residence seekers is not permitted in any manner. Discriminatory Advertisements are not tolerated and can be removed by 4U Student Housing.
  10. 4U Student Housing shows monthly rental prices. The offered Real Property must therefore be available for a minimum period of one month.


Removing Real Property / updating Advertisements: 

  1. If the Real Property is no longer available, or the relevant Landlord/Seller has revoked the authorization given to the Advertiser, the Advertiser must immediately remove the Real Property from the Website.
  2. If a specific Real Property has been rented conditionally, the status of the Advertisement must be updated accordingly.


Relation between Advertisers:

  1. Advertisers endeavor to maintain a respectable, trustworthy and benevolent mutual relationship.
  2. A specific Real Property may only be offered on the Website by one Advertiser. An Advertiser who receives authorization to place Real Property on the Website, may, in the Landlord/Seller’s interest, if this authorization has already been given to another Advertiser, only accept this authorization after consulting that other Advertiser and after having obtained evidence of the revocation of the authorization given to the other Advertiser by the relevant Landlord/Seller.
  3. If an Advertiser finds that another Advertiser does not comply with these Additional Terms, Advertiser must inform both the Advertiser as well as 4U Student Housing.


Relation between Advertiser and Candidate:

  1. Advertisers who place Real Property on 4U Student Housing are obliged to comply with applicable laws regarding intermediary costs;
  2. Advertisers who show their telephone number on 4U Student Housing are expected to be available by telephone on working days in the Netherlands, between 09:00 and 17:00 CET;
  3. Advertisers must contact Candidates within three (3) working days after they have contacted Advertiser through 4U Student Housing;
  4. If 4U Student Housing receives complaints about an Advertiser and these are well founded, 4U Student Housing is entitled to block the Advertiser’s Account indefinitely, or to completely block the Website and the 4U Student Housing services. Complaints will not be forwarded to the Advertiser, unless there is a pressing need to do so. If complaints are shared, 4U Student Housing will anonymize these, to protect the complainant’s privacy.


In addition to the provisions in the Terms of Use, the following applies with regard to the Advertiser’s Account: 

  1. Advertiser is solely responsible for all activities under its Accounts and for all information and (personal) data in its Account. Advertiser must use the personal data only for the purposes for which 4U Student Housing has collected them, or compatible purpose (unless the Advertiser has obtained the data subject’s explicit consent for other purposes);
  2. Advertiser must take all measures to prevent unauthorized access to its Account and its own systems including its email account;
  3. In case 4U Student Housing suspects that an unauthorized person or party has access or can have access to the Account, 4U Student Housing is entitled to block the access to the Account immediately;
  4. If Advertiser suspects that an unauthorized third person or party has access or could get access to the Account, for example because the Advertiser has been hacked or ‘phished’, Advertiser must notify 4U Student Housing thereof without undue delay and have its hardware and software system examined by a specialist who must notify 4U Student Housing in writing when all threats have been eliminated. After the receipt of such notification, 4U Student Housing can deblock the Account;
  5. In case an unauthorized third person or party has had access or could have had access to the Account, the Advertiser and 4U Student Housing will consult to discuss whether this situation has to be notified to the competent authority/ies and, as applicable, to the User whose personal data were present in the Account;
  6. 4U Student Housing, as well as the Advertiser, have access to the (personal) data in the Account. The Advertiser does not have access to the data in the Accounts of other Advertisers;
  7. Without affecting the other provisions in the Terms of Use or these Additional Terms, 4U Student Housing is not liable for damage of any third persons or parties resulting from the Advertiser’s non-compliance with the above.


Fighting illegal rent: to protect residence seekers from illegal offerings of rental property, Advertisers are prohibited from offering the following types of Advertisements (the following criteria are based on the Persons Registration Act (Wet Basisregistratie Personen (BRP)):

  1. Housing but no registration: it is prohibited to offer Real Property which may not or cannot be used by the occupant to register as an address with the municipal authorities;
  2. No housing, only registration: it is prohibited to offer Real Property which is not intended to live in but which entitles the person to register the address with the municipal authorities;
  3. If 4U Student Housing finds that an Advertisement concerns an illegal offering of Real Property, 4U Student Housing reserves the right to amend and/or remove the Advertisement. Without affecting the other provisions of the Terms of Use or these Additional Terms, in case of an illegal offering, 4U Student Housing has the right to share the Advertisement and the Advertiser’s and/or Landlord’s/Seller’s contact details with the competent authority/ies.


4U Student Housing as a platform:

  1. 4U Student Housing can, at an Advertisers request, place Real Property on websites of its affiliated companies, Advertisers may however also place Real Property Advertisements directly on those websites;
  2. There is no differentiated treatment of Advertisers, whether or not they advertise on a website of a 4U Student Housing affiliate (however, please see article 4 below about ranking);
  3. 4U Student Housing processes the Advertiser’s data as indicated in the 4U Student Housing privacy policy (www.4U Student Housing.nl/privacy-policy).


If 4U Student Housing decides to block the Website, the Account and/or other services offered by 4U Student Housing (see article 7 Terms of Use), all costs incurred by 4U Student Housing as a result thereof are borne by the relevant Advertiser.


4U Student Housing in principle ranks the Real Property Offer on the basis of chronology: the latest Real Property placed on the Website will be placed highest in the overview of the Real Property Offering. However, 4U Student Housing offers Advertisers the opportunity to pay for a higher ranking of Real Property in the overview. More information about this can be found here (in Dutch).